It’s been 500 years since Signorelli and Perugino’s passing, Tuscany and Umbria are preparing big shows and one of our main newspapers has put out a guide "Le Guide di Repubblica" on all of the above and for Cortona and several towns of Umbria there is a section for local artists and craftsmen. I’m at page 176, in the words of journalist Giulia Felici of La Repubblica.
IN Cortona
From the 23rd of June until the 8th of October 2023, in the palace of the Etruscan Museum there will be the show Signorelli 500. Maestro Luca da Cortona, pittore di luce e poesia. It will expose around thirty pieces coming from italian and foreing museums, including the National Gallery of London, and from private collections.
Luca Signorelli, Annunciazione (1491; olio su tavola; Volterra, Pinacoteca Civica)

Compianto sul Cristo Morto (1502- Museo Diocesano Cortona)
Duomo di Orvieto, cappella di San Brizio - Giudizio Universale (detail of "The Damned")
Signorelli in Maurice Hewlett "Road in Tuscany"
My favorite description of Signorelli and his art.
Please ignore the last line, the town is cleaner than it used to be.
Please ignore the last line, the town is cleaner than it used to be.